Breaking open the Head: The Medicine of Iboga

Jun 21, 2018



Juliana Wright was born in 1947 and is a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2. She went to Oxford University and came through with a Fine Art degree. Her special gift was for portraiture. She followed this extraordinary ( to her, a divine gift ) until her children were born. The following years were subsumed in babies, divorce, poverty. . .just doing the best in difficult circumstances. Nothing unusual here. In the early ’90’s she ran a ceremonial ( yes, we dressed up! ) magic group for 5 years, with a magical partner, working with the Western Mystery Tradition of the Celts; a practical system based on the land, the seasons and the cosmology of the northern hemisphere. They met for weekends on a monthly basis. On the eqinoxes and Celtic fire festivals they would have an all night ritual themed on invoking the archetypes associated with them. They were all using this wonderful system for their own personal exploration and growth.



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